Monday, February 16, 2009

Electric gone

Sparkling's electric supply turned off for no reason at 2 a.m. in the morning. She told me she had not had a wink of sleep and thought there was not enough credit in the meter. Apparently a number of houses had a black out as well. Though I don't understand how not having an electricity supply had such an effect on not sleeping. Personally I would of slept right through it until the morning. Then found out as I kicked my toe into a door the light wasn't working. Mind I just realised she might be able to claim on the insurance. Sparkling has told me this is not going to happen because of the excess. Damn electric companies.

I'm back at the fish factory and Tweedle dee is off on leave. Tweedle dum in the mean time does not have his companion to banter inane codswallop with. Which is a bit like seventh heaven. I do so appreciate quiet when it comes to concentrating on what you are doing. I could moan and groan about their antics but I'll not.

It's mama's birthday tomorrow and I haven't had time to do much about it. Fortunately I have a stack of cards and one of them will have to do. I could get some food and make an attempt at cooking something nice. Salmon perhaps, gently done in olive oil and a sprig of some herb, new potatoes and fresh sweetcorn, followed up by a microwave chocolate pudding. I'll enjoy it as well. I don't know why I went to the gym today. The tea and biscuits i had this evening and tomorrows meal will probably put me back 2 weeks. Well as the Nike advert goes, "belly gonna get ya" and it has.

I've just had some other news which has stunned me. I can't think straight or think at all at the moment. So I'll sign off now and look at chocolate puddings.

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