Sunday, February 08, 2009

A hair cut, a packet of buiscuits and some cats

After fending of the psychological threat of snow today I actually went and got my hair cut. It was in desperate need. Now I look presentable, halfway. I said the to the hairdresser, I'd like a short back and sides but not too much off the top because I'm losing it. He smiled and with skill left most of the stuff on top, on top. This made me happy. If it hadn't of been for the kids who were there as well. Two sets of parents had brought their children along to get hair cuts. But when the dads went up to have their locks shortened the kids then played about. It was noisy. I'm sure there was a 7 year old girl rolling on the floor in the cut hair of a hundred different customers. A woman sitting on a chair waiting for her kid to be done received a phone call from one of her sprogs. It must of been her daughter. She'd asked if she could put on a dress for a funeral. The mother said no. Then one of the customers had some aftershave splashed on his neck and the same mother moaned what a stink. It was like my sanctuary had been invaded. This is a hairdressers. It's a man's hairdressers, not a bloody creche, play pen or place for fish wives to moan. It's a sanctuary one of the few places a man can go and actually feel relaxed. Just sit back and let the hair dresser do the work. Close your eyes and chill. Yes, my sanctuary had been vandalised. Next time before I go in I'll check out to see if there are any kids. Then walk back home if there are.

On the way back I did a little shopping and must say I am amazed how the price of a packet of biscuits has gone up. Over what must only be a year or two they now cost about 50% more than they did previously. I was so amazed I kept going round the shop and returning to the biscuit display wondering if I should go for one brand over another. Whether I should just forget it or whether I should go for real satisfaction and get the double chip cookies regardless of the extortionate price tag. In the end I gave up. I couldn't overcome my distaste at the price. I saw myself becoming a healthy eater even. Actually thinning more about vegetables and how good they are rather than buy biscuits. Though I'm sure this thought will only be fleeing. Vegetarianism is good but it don't console you if you really expected a biscuit with your cup of tea rather than a nut.

I got accosted by a ginger cat as I was nearly home. It jumped down from the bin it had been sitting on and came right up to me for a stroke. What a beautiful temperament, much better than the stray cat we have taken in who I call Stinky. The rescued stinky takes after his name, he stinks and is being a right shite to the other cat Tigger who is an old man and a softy. Tigger never genuinely seeks to get into a fight and his normal behaviour is just to scream and walk away or even carry on sleeping if another cat is nearby. Whereas Stinky likes to get stuck in. Maybe I could of done a cat swap. Just stole the ginger one and put Stinky in it's place. The only thing was I'm sure the owner would not be convinced their ginger cat had suddenly become tabby over night, of natural causes. Such an illness don't exist. Not to mention the fleas. Well it happens with cats.

I sent a picture of my new look hair cut to Sparkling. It must of taken me a dozen photo's to get the one where I was presentable. I'm sure it's to do with the camera lens. Because lens on mobile phones and compact cameras are known as wide angle lenses. This means they distort the image they take. For instance tall buildings can appear as if they are bending slightly. With faces it can make your nose look bigger especially if it is slightly bigger in the first place. The lens would then exaggerate this feature. I know. I saw the pictures. Now if I were a cat it wouldn't matter. Cats never pose for the camera. Unless of course they're eating a biscuit with their cup of tea.

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