Monday, February 09, 2009

Weather report

I am fed up with the cold weather dictating what I do. Last week I didn't bother with the gym because I thought it was too cold. So today I went back again and was reminded of how unhealthy I have let myself get. Which also made me think about how much junk I eat. I got home after gym and immediately got settled into some junk. Coming home from gym I was pelted by wind and rain and it was cold. The nasty kind of rain and wind, which if it gets to your skin your even colder because of the chill factor. I suppose it could be worse, someone said to me it was minus 16 Celsius in Scotland last night. No wonder they eat porridge with salt.

My Darling Sparkling has been busy today so I didn't get to hear from her, however with the wonder of modern age we caught up on MSN. I was reminded sometimes a real hug is the only solution to sad times. This of course causes emotional twangs of guilt and pain. It's just the way it is with our relationship. If the trains were faster and cheaper I'd be up there seeing Sparkling every single weekend. Capitalism has put a brake on making this possible, and the fact the UK probably has the most expensive public transport in Europe.

One day transport will be better than it is and cheaper, OK it's a dream. Should I say transport will be even more expensive and slower, because it's never the right kind of snow, leaves or rain which are on the track. Consequently the trains go slower. Lets not forget how expensive the snack trolley will become.

So today there's not much to report. I'll try and make up some outlandish story tomorrow.

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