Sunday, February 01, 2009

In the warmth - try a peanut not

So far it has been an uneventful Sunday. The cold weather has kept me locked behind doors. Scratching at the walls wondering if it is wise to go out and see the light of day. Now though it is no longer light. The sun has tucked itself away to sleep and only the cold dark sky covers above. Do I stay or do I go? To be or not to be? Get cold or stay in getting fatter. I need the exercise so I will hit the pavement shortly. I have to get out, have to walk, anywhere will do. It's the fear of cold which holds me captive and just trying to stay warm. Mind it has been many years since we have had a prolonged cold winter, even though this one has been intermittent the forecasts show snow for tomorrow, there's no denying it. If it snows at least it will not rain fish.

The bag of honey roasted peanuts lay opened and beckoning me. A stray one lay by the bag. I'll eat it I thought. It looked a little odd, slightly more crusty and browner than normal even reddish. Don't matter. I picked it up and popped it into my mouth. "Crunch" it was dry, very dry. Then the taste took a moment or two to filter. It's dusty crumbs needed to circulate, become dampened by my saliva, then touch a taste bud. It did. I wondered. Considering one thing "what am I eating?" Then I recognised the flavour. And realised why the peanut was so dusty in it's crunch factor. It actually was not a peanut at all. But a cat biscuit, and the taste was a mild fishy taste. By this time it was too late. Powdered into a mulch in my mouth. I couldn't get away from it and ran for the tap washing out my mouth with bitterly cold water. Idiot. When I picked it up, it wasn't actually in the peanut bag. It lay next to the peanut bag and I had assumed it was a peanut, because it was the right size and the colour was just passable. Then I'd eaten it. Oh well. How odd it is the cats whine so much to eat this stuff. Mind I'm told one of them did eat a peanut the other day. Maybe he thought he'd like a change, I don't blame him. I would to if I ate fishy dusty biscuits.

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