Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Water has a funny taste

The past couple of months or maybe more I've began to notice something. The taste of water, or rather a taste in the water which should not be there. One morning this taste had got so much for me I ended up having a puke. I wonder if it could be something coincidentally related to with morning headaches, these are plaguing me most days of the week. If it is then it's all in the mind and the only explanation is I'm going mental in some way. Next I'll be seeing things which don't exist or talking to lampposts. I can't see it happening, because I doubt schizophrenia can take effect when you're 40 odd years of age.

So I'm bothered by the taste of water. Even this evening I've had a cup of tea and the taste is there again. It's like a kind of metal, iron like taste. But the water has not changed colour, the house I live in has copper piping and so I can not see any feasible reason for this taste. In addition I'm the only one complaining about it. In a bid to avoid water a carton of Smoothie drink has helped. Yet when I return and make cup of tea it's there again. Also it's intermittent. Some mornings I detect nothing and then I really do enjoy my cup of tea, because of it's absence. Other's well, as I said earlier it can be nauseous. When at the Fish Factory in the morning I make a cafetiere of coffee and I don't seem to detect anything wrong with the water. So like a detective I'm narrowing this experience down to me and at home. Truly the voices are nothing to do with it.

Next week I'll be up in Scotland and seeing the wonderful Sparkling Eyes and Rock Chick. I'm sure I will be pretty happy even if I still wake up with a headache, which reminds me must take a medical cabinet in my ruck sack. As for water, I'll buy a bottle at the station after all projectile vomiting in a carriage full of people might not go down well, so to say.

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