Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What is a grape by any other name

Heading out of the door this morning, I spied a grape vine overhanging the wall of a garden. To the extent is was no longer on the private side. Now grapes like any other plant don't have much of an idea about where they can grow, they just grow regardless of which property or public land they are on. The sun light lit the vine from behind and then quite a few bunches of grapes caught my eye. Are these grapes edible or not I wondered. Being the UK isn't really in the Mediterranean, you would think it impossible to grow grapes in first place. Yet again, the grape plant being ignorant of the Island it is growing on cares less and just does it's best. These grapes were definitely black, with a kind of dusted mottled look about them, like they were covered in a powder. I traversed the road plucked a grape and popped it in my mouth. One of the more cleaner looking ones. And although it was small it was nice and sweet with no pip. It went down lovely. So I picked another one just to try it out and went off to catch the train. The second, wasn't what I had expected. The pip must of been the same size of the grape, I had just been lucky the first time round.

Now if I had got a whole bunch of grapes stuck them in a pot, trod on them, fermented them for a period, filtered, and done whatever else was needed, right now I'd be blind drunk. What a thought.

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