Saturday, September 03, 2011

Bad habits - the challenge

From my previous BLOG there was one statement, it was the only thing which mattered to me.  The only thing at this moment I needed to do more than any other. So shortly after writing the BLOG I got my arse down to the train station and bought tickets to see Sparkling and the gang.  As soon as I wrote the word "Sparkling" a smile came over me, I just couldn't help it, and already I am feeling pretty damn happy.  But there is something I so now have to get control of and it's my habits.  The bad habits have to be either altered, removed or replaced.  I came across the following quote:

“Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.” - Confucius

At the Fish Factory, I feel like I am juggling more balls in the air than I can handle. Or it could be the case of China plates rather than balls.  For balls will bounce when dropped but a China plate will smash into a thousand pieces.  I sure bet Confucius didn't think of it this way.  The thing is I really do like my job, too much probably.  It's strange how we can be so defined by what we do.  In work, in society, at home with family.  When I wasn't being fulfilled in Fish Filleting I sort satisfaction in other areas.  The weirdest thing of all is work is a temporary thing, it dominates the largest amount of waking hours but it's not as important as family.  People who are close or should be considered the closest things we have in our lives.  Work however does provide structure, the day is marked by when to wake up and when to hit the hay.  There is a degree of compulsory social interaction, no matter how good or bad we feel it has to be there.  Communicating with others.  The other important thing work provides is finance to allow life outside of work to be lived.  To allow the bills to be paid, holidays booked, trips made, so the list goes on.  Then there is the work-life balance.  Somewhere between one and the other we have to live, sleep, dream, eat, get into tiffs, get out of tiffs, breath air, smile and find happiness.  If one thing dominates then the balance is all askew.  At this point bad habits creep in.  Going to the pub to relax instead of the gym.  Eating the wrong convenience food, just because it is quick and satisfies hunger.  Not listening when someone is trying to talk because there are too many things on your mind and if your own mind hasn't quietened down how can you really listen to others?  With difficulty.

The first line of defence is therefore to do one thing, one task and set my mind on it.  It will be the 30 day challenge.  Something for 30 consecutive days in a row.  All I now have to do is work out exactly what that thing will be.  Which doesn't sound very committal.  I know what it is, but I don't want to say it because I don't want to fail it and think I might.  I want to do some form of exercise everyday.  I've done some today which now means I have 29 days left.  Which if my math is right means the challenge ends on 3rd October.  Watch this space.

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