Sunday, September 18, 2011

Stuck on Big Brother

Something has happened to me since being in Sparkling's company. It's called Big Brother.  A TV series where contestants spend every minute of the day in an artificial environment, their interactions constantly filmed and each week one is voted out by the public.  The winner takes away a pot of money.  Usually when BB season begins I do my best not to get excited or involved.  I purposefully go out of my way not to watch it.  Except when I happen to be with Sparkling.  Then I usually have no choice at all and must watch whatever she decides should be on TV.  Well, most of the time.  BB for me is dangerous, it is mind numbing rubbish, this I know for a fact.  The reason I know it, is because I become an addict to it.  I just vegetate and get so engrossed in BB life outside of the BB household is a distraction.  If BB were on Channel 5 all day long, I'd be watching it.  Fortunately my time is limited.  I'm tending to watch it on the Internet and catch up each evening with the evening before's events, which means I am two days out of sync.  However, I get to watch both shows and I then get to watch all the other little clips they decide to put up.  I am well and truly hooked and finding breaking away very difficult.  A bit like asking a woman to give up chocolate.  It's a no braier, it just will not happen.

The first eviction has taken place.  A lovely but slightly crazy girl called Tashie has been booted out.  The first week is always a difficult one as the public and contestants really don't know a great deal about one another.  In my view poor Tashie should not of gone.  She got kicked out because she simply managed to get on peoples nerves, if she had managed to restrain her proclamations of wisdom and listened a bit more to others she would not of got picked.  In the next week contestant Heaven is very likely to get nominated for one of the evictees.  She has a self centred streak which is more obvious than the other house mates.  Everyone has this to a certain extent but with the way Heaven is eating food which is limited in supply and her crazy like views of the world she is going to wind many people up.  I also think Maisy should be nominated.  I can't think of a more ignorant person.  The love birds Rebekah and Aden are also getting pretty annoying.  Not just because there is over ten years in age difference, but because Aden is in all sense of the word a complete "twat" who doesn't have the aptitude to understand that little puppy dogs are pathetic.  I'll keep glued to the TV over the next week to see what's happening and will not bore readers with a running commentary.

However, the one thing which every reader or watcher of BB thinks about at some time or other is how well they would do if they were in the BB household.  How their character would be portrayed, their own ups and downs, their personality being under intense scrutiny as well as personal habits, completely open to the nation.  There has to be a bit of self love in any such show for all of the contestants and ultimately the public then votes who they like.  Of course with a small charge being donated to Channel 5 TV.  BB is a time when the ultimate in non celebrity come celebrity status begins.  Where people who are unknown and complete no bodies have the chance to be famous for doing nothing and just being themselves.  From this they can carve new careers, make lots of money, become popular and consequently have their own self esteem stroked by a thousand followers.  This is the self degrading part of such an event I don't like.  It's the reason why I do my best not to watch it.  But as I said, I'm hooked.  For the time being anyway. 

As for a winner, I'll make a wild guess and say it may be Tom, I'll not put any money on it.  It will depend on how he flowers in the next few weeks.  I need to find some other interest in the evenings, any ideas?

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