Monday, September 19, 2011


I have this tooth where the filling has half fallen out.  It's now bothering me and so I should ring up the dentist for an appointment.  I have to be careful about eating on the right hand side, because on occasion a little bit of food gets trapped in the tooth then when my mouth closes (which it does) there is a sudden and undeniable pain come ache.    I'd prefer not to see the dentist, it's a tooth which has acted in this way before.  A recalcitrant little bugger with it's own mind.

When reading sci fi books and the latest discoveries in genetics, I'd cross my fingers and hope a new genetic treatment would come out.  One where the human body could have more than just one set of teeth.  Three or maybe four sets even.  When one lot falls out another just grows back in place.  It might mean more work for the dentists again, I mean.  If you just happened to be a little careless then it would result in having to get another set of teeth braces.  It might be though having more than 2 sets of teeth would make people a lot more careless.  Teeth are like natures way of saying, you only get one chance and learn it quick, milk teeth followed by adult teeth, regardless if you happen to be eleven years old when you have your second set and unappreciative of the effects of sweets and chocolate has in the long term.  It is so unfair how the human body matures faster than the intellect or emotional stability. 

Adolescence certainly does this, raging hormones, strong young fresh body and all stuck on top with the head of an idiot.  It would certainly be a better situation if we all lived life like Benjamin Button.  But then directors can make anything possible, real life does not work in the same way.  It's just hard.  Hard bloody luck.  Look after your teeth or you will be given the name of Gummy.  Then put on display at fares, where they will show you off to see how you suck an egg, or the pained expression you have when trying to tuck into a meal of roast beef, roast potatoes and Yorkshire puds.  Maybe all the Gummys of the world should be given free liquidisers on the NHS.   I'm surprised baby food manufacturers have not jumped on the band wagon and created slushy mushy food for the over sixties Gummies of the world.  What a fortune there would be in the making.  It's also odd how Dracula picks his girls young and doesn't go for the slightly older woman.  Mind a seventy year old vampire would no doubt have problems when it came to the attack.  Imagine going to the Police Station and reporting to a constable, "yes, officer, I was attacked by a very strong seventy year old woman.  She gummed my neck and dribbled down my back.  It was awful.  I didn't think she'd ever stop.  But she was a little slow.  The sun came up and she burst into fiery ashes."  Well, Bram Stoker must of been a bit of a lecherous old man.  Or he knew.  If a vampire woman was ever going to be at an advantage she had better have her own teeth.  You can quote me on that if you like.

The problem is, today I've not had much enthusiasm.  I got a cold, had lots of nose blowing and sniffing, but no enthusiasm.  If I did I would of rung the dentist.  I suppose though if I carry on like this it may help me control my diet.  Only thing is eating chocolate is fine, it's everything else which is a problem.  Where is there a vampire when you need one?

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