Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bacon got my goat

In an effort to do something over an ever increasing girth, I've been busy over the last two days. Gym yesterday and today a walk with Little Monster Boy. When I got back from the walk I felt tired and could of so easily just closed my eyes and fallen asleep. But instead I went online and before long found myself having a head to head with Sparkling.

My audio memo's have been collecting and I've began to write them up. They are notes to myself about my thoughts on how to string together a story. Character's, plot lines and many other things. In fact it is becoming quite complex. But in writing them up, I can see a lot of material waiting to be put to use. It is surprising how many things can be pulled together in a short time. Part of the discussion I had with Sparkling was because of my writing up these notes. She thought it was creepy, her word not mine. Which made me mad. They are my personal thoughts and they have a constructive and progressive feel to them. It's like a seed growing in my mind. As I write them up things become clearer, they may be all muddled observations but I can see something coming together.

I recall in psychology the teaching of visual perception in which reference was made to Gestalt Psychologists. These were psychologists who understood how the mind pieced things together, how leaps and assumptions are made about what we see and then create illusions. Gestalt is a German word, and it means something along the lines of: the sum is greater than the parts, or the big picture, so to say. This is how it feels to me in writing these notes. And rather than just sitting and doing nothing, I now feel I am actually being active, progressing. Although in small steps. So it was no wonder when Sparkling used the word creepy, I knew she didn't understand and I got mad. In turn I tried to remind her it just so happened to be two Scottish people who have returned to Mexico and brought with them the Swine Flu virus. So now we're not talking.

Well I think tomorrow morning when I get up I'll have a nice crispy bacon sandwich for breakfast, now isn't that creepy?

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