Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter bunny gone

Easter is nearly over, yes the bunny has legged it and during this time I've realised a number of things. Firstly, chocolate Easter eggs don't taste the same as they used to taste. During eating one my teeth began to hurt and I then had some kind of dizzy spell come over me. Heart palpitation thing. So I can only put it down to being too old to eat Easter eggs in the first place, it serves me right. Secondly it's difficult finding what to do with your time. So I spent it watching TV programs and going out for a daily walk. The walks were perhaps the most valuable part of my Easter. At least I was doing something during the walks. Walking. Which is good for the exercise, heart, lungs those sorts of things, they enjoy walking. Though, I must add brain, yes, my brain enjoyed the walks as well. I used them inevitably to think, clear my head and record notes on my phone. On checking my phone I found I now have 29 audio notes. So maybe I'll begin my next Easter project and write them up. Which is more constructive than sitting watching TV. No wonder I'm getting fat.

Sparkling has been working hard these past few days. She seemed to think it was January when I last saw her, but it was March. I recall we saw the film Watchmen at the cinema and while I was there it rained a lot. It seems the last 2 or 3 times I've visited the weather has taken a turn and followed me. Fortunately we're over the cold spells, so now it's the raining overcast spells. When I say spells I don't mean as in wizard and witch spells, because those things don't exist. I mean as in short periods of a few days.

Last night we talked about having a holiday. Something away just to have a break and camping came up as an option. Although I can see Sparkling's enthusiasm, once she has been bitten by the wild life enough times I'm sure she'd prefer something inside. She also thinks it would be fun living rough off the land, smelling of the land, which meant not showering. I really do like her enthusiasm, but somehow not having a shower for a few days doesn't do anything for me. It's like going back this far to nature is a bit too far back. She is certainly right about one thing. We need a holiday. A break away and something on the cheap. With the recession and all, it will be a few more years before we get a chance to go abroad. Well whatever we do it will be fun. Going to have to get my head down and do some research. I wonder how far a fiver will get ya.

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