Sunday, April 05, 2009

Little monsters, friends and vegetables

It has been a beautiful day. The sun came out early, so did the pigeons, it seems they don't take any day off. The weather report for the week is all down hill, except maybe for tomorrow.

Then Little Monster Boy was dropped off so I was his main source of entertainment. This meant going to the park and running around after him. There were no other children about until we left, and then two father's turned up with their little monsters. It was enjoyable, the entertainment free and the cost a Star Wars comic, crisps and Ribena drink. I'm sure when he get's to be twenty it will be more expensive and a push on the swings will be out of the question. It's amazing how nuts most of the family can be except for the children. Well, until they grow up, then they become as nuts as the rest of us.

Worse still are friends. Especially those long term ones who you find it an effort to continue the relationship with, because you don't want to step on their toes. I have in mind one of my mates as I write. He has let me down and now I'm at the point now I have decided not to have anything to do with him. For at least a few months. He doesn't like disputes and is unable to take any type of confrontation which he may feel is stressful. So when I have to talk to him about something I usually do it as gently and tactfully as possible. But seeing as I have now been let down one too many times it's over as far as I'm concerned. I was the the one who'd be ringing him up and trying to get him to do stuff. I can count on one hand the number of times he has felt a need to ring me within the last two or three years. So it's lopsided. He likes to be secluded, it's his choice so now he can be a little more secluded.

The problem is finding new friends, of which I'll freely admit this is one of my biggest issues. I just don't like having mates for the sake of having mates, there has to be some kind of connection. An enjoyment of their company, something to talk about. Some people have lots of friends but to me this sounds like they can't put up with their own company. Family you can't help, regardless of how crazy they are you can't change them. They will always be there, although it's not uncommon for them to split up and no longer communicate. So the question is how do you actually make new friends, important ones to yourself. People in the fish factory I've never really seen as friends, to me they have the status of work colleagues, it is formal and polite. Or in some cases not even polite but tolerated. Being in any kind of friendship with work colleagues feels to me like something to avoid, even if they are nice people. Maybe it's wrong, but I do my best not to include them in my life outside of this arena.

I hear Prince Charles talks to plants. Now this is a man who can have as many friends as he likes around him. But whether they are real is another question. Talking to green bushy plants might be a solution. As long as I don't have to say sorry to them when I need to give them a prune. Further if I chose to grow potatoes for instance, would they be upset at me digging them up out of the garden and eating a few every so often. They say there is nothing like your own vegetables. Yet these would be real vegetables not the one's who live in houses down the street and who's first name you know. Which of course would be an insult to the vegetable kingdom. Now I think of it, I will make it this year's project, carrots sounds good, even onions. Well I'd better get searching for some new friends, I mean seeds.

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