Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Collecting a phone

Yesterday my new phone arrived, I wasn't around so it meant going to the Post Office to pick it up.  This morning I went.  The sorting office is on an industrial estate and returning from it meant a hundred yard walk to the bus stop.  There I sat waiting for the bus and couldn't help myself but open up my phone.  Oh what a wonderful sight it was.  Exactly the same as the one I had before, but new.  It's keys all familiar, it works in exactly the same way and how comforting it is to know this.  There's no need to rummage through the instruction book and I loved it.  Except it wasn't the same as it didn't have all the old photos or contacts on it.  It's an out of date phone now, but I really don't care and don't want to buy a new fangled touch screen phone which needs to be permanently plugged in to keep it charged.  I love it, not as much as Sparkling I'll say, but it did temporarily provide me with some form of comfort.  I caressed it's buttons.  As I sat there waiting I thought this bus shelter probably had seen a number of people sit there and open up their parcels with trepidation.  This evening I rang up the operator to get the old number transferred onto it.  Soon it will be nicely set up then I 'll have to colled phone numbers and put them in it.  Phone numbers of people I know of course, not ones I don't.

And if anyone is curious as to what model it is, it's a Sony Erickson K800i, presently my little baby, awwwe

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