Monday, April 25, 2011

Lets watch a DVD and not the Royal Wedding

At the moment every news program is being haunted by the event of the Royal wedding.  Personally I find it distasteful that a family can be historically born into wealth and be esteemed for who they are and no other reason.  It's not like they invented the toilet roll, electricity or a greater understanding for humanity.  For last time I looked there was nothing of this sort attributed to them.  It's ludicrous every citizen of the UK pays taxes and a little bit of those taxes goes to supporting these people.  Surely it would be better if they went towards cancer research or the abolishment of poverty.  The royal family is a mark of a class system, and all the time they are given such esteem the British class system still exists.  There is nothing I can think of which the royal family have done to improve my life or those around me.  So shamefully I hear the news that we still genuflect before them.  If only we were a republic.  Viva France they certainly had the right idea.

OK I tell a lie.  The because of the royal wedding I'm going to get an extra day off from the Fish Factory as a Bank Holiday has been declared.  I'll do everything I can to completely avoid any new of the couple though.  If I had a fishing rod I would find a pond and sit there all day with my own sandwiches and listen to music.  Music which the fish like because it would be good to get a bite or two.  Then in the evening I'd return home.  Not turn on any television and line up a series of DVDs, pop corn and other little snacks and they would be my entertainment.  The next day would also be difficult to get through because they will surely be on the front of every newspaper.  So I'd not buy a paper or going into a paper shop.  I'd probably take the day off from the Fish Factory because there would likely be blue blooded followers who want to talk about the event..It's sad how the world watches on just for this one event.  Give me a Hitchcock movie any day.

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