Saturday, April 16, 2011

Recovering from a busy week

It has been a busy week at the Fish Factory and instead of doing things which are good for me, like the gym or reading I'm ending up my evening with a pint or two in the pub.  Considering a pint is about £3 during the happy hour, two pints an evening and it soon adds up over a week.  So I have to control myself and miss out a day here and there.  If not for my pocket for my health.  It's surprising how the demands in the Fish Factory have an effect on needing time-out.  Which becomes more valuable.  Mind if there are people around I know we generally have a good chit chat and chill.  Having alcohol has a relaxing effect.  It's said to be a depressant, but I think it actually depends very much on the individual and their personality.  If you are generally a happy person but had a stressful day it can help pull down stress levels and allow the happiness to come through.  Of course like any other self administering drug it should be taken in moderation, because overdoing it makes you walk funny and think you are about to drop of the edge of the world.  Particularly so in the morning when the effects of a hangover start to hit home.  At which time you suddenly find you have the head of someone with a major migraine, becoming hyper sensitive to all sounds, movement and under the influence of a strange magnetism to good old Armitage Shanks (the maker of toilets).  A vomit does have a cathartic effect. Hours later when in the later stages of recovery you'll swear never to do it again and try and remember exactly what it was you did do.  People who were with you at the time will then prompt your recall, unless they to happen to be hiding away from the world and holding a crucifix up to any bacon or egg which is shoved in their direction.  Saying this, I have no doubt getting drunk once in a while is actually good for the soul, if such a thing exists, then if not it's good for the head, and allows you time to evaluate. This is all of course from my first hand knowledge.

We are the summation of our experiences in this world and our ability to remember them.  We are also the character which allows us to rise above experience which is aversive.  Be this recovering from a night out or any other flying horse manure which comes out of nowhere. 

This morning I missed Sparkling.  I wanted just to reach out and have a hug.  I wish I was a rich man, a little like the song or a little like the many millionaires who happen to be running government at this moment.  I don't ever see any of them queuing up to get an NHS dentist, that's for sure.  But were I a rich man my life would be different.  I'd then be able to ensure my loved ones were always as happy as they could be.  I'd run my own business or businesses.  I'd keep myself perpetually busy and perpetually studying on some kind of educational course. If not some kind of practical course.  I'd hope I would be a philanthropist to society and more.  Oh well, I'm not rich so I'd better get over it, and winning the lottery is even slimmer than being hit by lightening, so I've been told. Oh well back to the drawing board, world domination it will have to be.

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