Saturday, April 09, 2011

Portugues Tarts are not all the same

It was while up  North I had a go at making Portuguese Tarts, with the recipe and motivation provided by none other than the fantastic Jamie Oliver.  Today I had another go and although I was using my memory, which apparently just isn't so good now days, I learnt not all Portuguese tarts are the same.  Quite frankly.  these ones were a disaster.  Several disasters all in the one tart tin.  It should of been a muffin tin but on account of actually having no muffin tin a normal tart tin had to suffice.  Maybe this was the first mistake.  Or probably my first mistake was not trying to find the recipe again and think I knew what I was doing.  I made the usual big mess, with cinnamon powder, rolled up ready made puff pastry and my creme fresh filling which for some reason wasn't as good as it was last time.  A bloody disaster.  I'm beginning to dislike puff pastry now.  On the other hand we're only talking tarts.  It should be possible to conquer something as simple as a Portuguese tart.  Shouldn't it?  So I have no choice but to make them again.  Get the ingredients and review the recipe providing I can find it.

I recall something Thomas Edison said "I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that don't work," now if I take this into account then I'd have at least 9,999 more attempts left before the perfect Portuguese tart pops out of the oven.   As if the tart is going to do this all on it's own accord.  No.  With a little help from moi it might though.  Then I can pat myself on the back and think I am a great cook.  One thing is for sure with 9,999 failures the pigeons, sparrows, thrushes, blackbirds and magpies are all going to start looking a little bit bigger.

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