Sunday, April 03, 2011

I'm not a mnemonist, but I'd like to be

I have just been reading how some golden spoon in the mouth graduate has gone on to make a million dollars from writing a book.  All of it came about in a serendipitous way, through contacts with mnemonists (someone who employs efficient memory techniques to remember lots of stuff e.g. decks of cards, random numbers etc).  I gnash my teeth in annoyance thinking this is something I should of done.  Except I keep forgetting. The thing being none of the methods used are new, they are all old hat.  Anyone can be a mnemonist, but it takes practice and dedication, then you could be worth a million dollars.  It's probably better still if you win the world memory championships.  It was through entering this contest the graduate began to stretch his own mind and become a mnemonist.

Make a mental note to self.  Try and remember more and do something about it.

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