Monday, April 25, 2011

Fruit and nut genes and doing a barbie

I did get a little tipsy from yesterday's barbecue.  Which was only realised when I came over feeling all tired and had to lay on the bed.  Lay come semi-collapse, after which I drank lots of water and sobered up.  In consideration it was relatively successful.  Except for Big Momma getting her knickers in a twist and making sure she was in the way of the cooking rather than just letting me get on with it.  The truth is some people cook but they really should not be allowed near food and this is the case with Big Momma it's an acknowledged universal fact.  I should of set the ground rule first that she was not to do a single thing in the kitchen then maybe she wouldn't of got her knickers in a twist.  Fortunately Mrs Talkative went to the rescue and calmed her down.  It's at times like these when you wish geneticists were wrong.  There's people in every family whose behaviour just makes you question how genetics works.  If not you can't help wonder if there is some kind of gene which skips a generation every now and again and the odd fruit cake pops up.  I'm sure every family has them, and we all know some fruit cakes have more nuts than others.

Getting the barbecue going was a nightmare.  The coals were too small and they soon got burnt up.  Even though they were meant to be an easy light it just didn't happen.  It don't matter how many firelighters you go through it never seems enough to get them going.  Who invented the bloody things, there has got to be an easier way of setting them on fire.  I'll just have to check out YouTube and see if I can get some tips from there.  The skill is in being able to adapt to whatever coals you have bought.  Or saying sod that for a lark and getting the right coals in the first place.  Brickets seem to be the best thing to get.  They are all the same size, burn for a long time but again are hard to light.  I can see why people just opt out for flame grilled gas fire barbies.  So much easier, instant heat and no worries about anything.  Except of course the price.  Well I learnt from it.  And of all things learning to do a barbie is an essential skill.  Better is being chilled out, and best of all would be learning how to cope with members of the family which have the fruit and nut gene.  Oh well better get back to the barbie.

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