Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Autocrazy World

There stood the general, looking back back over his shoulder following behind were three officers. They were about to find privacy in a room to decide their plan. An imaginary battle in some place some land. I looked over and thought, those are the leaders and immediately knew the land of Fish Mongering was in trouble. Inside I let of a hysterical panic stricken laugh, asking myself how long will it be before this world crumbles. Internally going over the failings of officers who needed lessons in egg boiling, and still got it wrong.

In real life each citizen of the world looks on as head's of state take power. They are in most cases voted into office. This is the system of democracy we all know and endure. It is a guise for fairness under the banner of one person for one vote. However, in the real world of business this is not the case and autocrazy takes over. Once the Autocrazy head has got their position the cement is set. They then rule the roost for as long as they wish. There maybe instances when they relinquish their position, but the instances are few between. Perhaps by seeking advancement to a higher Autocrazy position in a different autocrazy, become ill, retiring or by tenure take succession to a higher place within the same autocrazy. Such is the world of real business. Oops nearly forgot, they can also be pushed off a cliff through a take over or downfall in the entire autocrazy. But of all things, they will ensure their nest is comfortable. They will speak up their perceived worth as though more important than royalty, for all purposes they have become blue blooded. Their high positioned view of the world is through rainbow coloured glasses. Then one day came along a small boy and said, "the emperor is in his altogether now" unfortunately the emporer still had his rainbow glasses on as well. And being somewhat obstinate of mind refused to hear a word. Three weeks later he caught a chill. Oh dear.

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