Friday, June 26, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

Sparkling had a little job for me. It wouldn't take long. Or so I thought. It was the trees, they were over grown and needed a trim, I was the chosen trimmer. L & B man loaned me the use of an electric-saw-cutting-thing which weighs a ton. Then I had to get loan of some loppers from the neighbours and so the task began. I've cut, chopped, severed, hacked, ripped, sliced and thoroughly trimmed them. Now they look very nice. It was part of my duties, I stepped up to the plate and did it.

The grass needs another going over. The car could do with a wash and a waxing, because one of Sparkling's feathered friends has chosen to use it as poop target practice. There are still a load of leaves left from lopping to be cleared up, although I said the sun would dry them out then the wind would blow them away, I'm not sure Sparkling has accepted this explanation of why they should not be swept up. The cat is pulling his hair out like it is a new fashion. Birds swoop down and congregate on the roofs of houses, I noticed this while doing the grass for the first time. There must of been about thirty crows watching. A Hitchcock film came to mind at the time. Crows are carnivores, but none have been in the news lately for attacking a fat man doing the lawn. But so far one of the pains in my backside has been the lack of a mirror in the bathroom, if I carry on guessing where the shaving foam is I'm going to cut my throat. Then knowing my luck the birds will swoop down through the window to finish the job, I'll be covered over in loose leaves from the lopped trees and the cat will pull half his fur out because I'm not around to put some biscuits in his bowl.

Rock Chick has been mean to me, she had been walking about all day in a pair of sweaty shoes, then from no where stuck them close to my face. So close I could not avoid the whiff. Is this the actions of a normal person or is it the actions of someone who has a perverse streak. Which I know is inherited. But as Sparkling says to me, I keep coming back so I must like it. I made dinner this evening and knowing how Sparkling loves spicy food did some hot prawns. I was a little worried I had not cooked them through properly but it's now been about four hours and none of us has puked so they must of been OK. L & B man has told me my taste in T-shirts is gay and I should of known it. Grand coming from a man who walks about in tight sequined spattered T-shirts himself. And I got things to worry about?

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