Friday, June 12, 2009

Chocolate had control of my mind

My legs are killing me, the muscles at the back of my thighs are as tight as boards. All because I missed out a session at the gym, and tried to make it up. Fool I say, fool. Never give up, never surrender.

After gym I went to Sainsburys, and from the shelves chocolate bars waved at me, they said "eat me fat boy, I know you want to" I stood in the chocolate and crisps ail vacillating. It was as though some weird mind control was taking place between my belly and the chocolate. I even went back twice to see the 2 for 1 offer on apple turnovers. The whole experience was dreadful. I had to keep thinking what I was there for because of these distractions. Then somehow, I don't know how, but I managed to get out of the shop without purchasing cakes, chocolate, biscuits or sweets. But I did get a large own brand bag of hoola hoop crisps and munched them on the bus. Consoling myself, it could of been worse, I might of been there eating a Mars bar from a pack of four going cheap at only £1, it was terrible. And even though just eating the hoops was bad enough in itself I dread the thought of walking past those shelves again. I need help.

I keep wondering if there are small exercises I can do constantly so as to burn up more calories. If only eating was an exercise. There's nothing I can think of, but I am now at war, war with my belly, war with all those devilish snacks, war against the desire for honey and nectar. Because of my weight I now sweat quicker than I used to, which means I can smell faster. I never used to be like this, never. When I was a skinny kid I barely swet at all. If I carry on at this rate I'll be going down to Halfords to get some of those dangly tree things and put one under each arm. One lemon, one lime. As Clint Eastwood said, "adapt, overcome, improvise" when his troops were going out to Grenada. I must overcome the belly. There's always a way, providing there's a will.

Now must try and cut out the savour biscuits. Damn carbs, what can you do?

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