Saturday, June 27, 2009

NO!!! I am not a murderer

Well it's as if the fish have got something against me, whether it's fresh water or sea food. I'd made some spicy prawns for Sparkling last night and overall the meal was delicious. I had commented I wasn't sure if the prawns were done properly. However, Sparkling said "no, they are fine" so I said no more. Sparkling drank her wine and I the beer, it just went down nicely. Sparkling enjoyed sitting watching the box while I ran about in the kitchen. I wrote my last blog and all was well. A few hours passed and still all was fine. I then popped upstairs and as if on Que I heard Sparkling run to the kitchen. Then a cough followed by a retch. It didn't sound good. I came downstairs to find Sparkling had puked up her entire dinner. She cast an eye in my direction and said "you murderer, you." She then sat down and we watched some more TV, but it didn't last long she had to go to bed. I stayed downstairs while listening to the scamper of feet to the toilet and more coughing. I felt a little guilty, but not entirely because I'd eaten the prawns and there was no effect on me. Nothing. Even Rock Chick ate some prawns and no effect.

I couldn't touch Sparkling because she said her stomach was bubbling. I said I was sorry. She called me a murderer a few times, then asked if I had ever seen her be sick before. "no, I never have" I replied. For she hadn't vomited in the last 15 years. Rock Chick was concerned, she asked her mum how she was. The reply was predictable,
"Crazyfirdayman tried to murder me" she said.
Two people now think I'm a murderer. In the morning I bumped into Rock Chick and she asked me outright:
"did you try to murder my mum?" my reply was instant
"no I didn't, she's not worth it.... I'm worth a lot more dead." As if to justify myself.
"ooooh" Rock said, then after a moment "I'm going to tell mum."

It's not looking good, I've been put in the frame by a prawn. Of all things a prawn is going to get me put in the electric seat. I told Sparkling I had eaten the prawns as well, and I had with no reaction. Further Rock Chick had eaten the prawns. It wasn't good enough. She thought well it was the odd prawn on the outskirts of the pan which didn't get stirred. I was told it was my fault, because I had left them in the pan and hadn't moved them about. I had cooked unsupervised, as if I couldn't be left alone while in the kitchen. The accused stands before you of murder, I could hear the voice bellowing out in my head. Personally I think it is some kind of fishy conspiracy which has been a shadow over me the past few days. Fishy revenge is what I call it. Be aware, be very aware.

I keep my eyes cast down and try not to catch Sparkling or Rock Chick's attention. After all a murderer should keep a low profile. No!!! I am not a murderer.

In the meantime it has been raining, this means the grass can't be cut and it would be silly to try and wash the car, let alone wax it. Now if only I'd had a puke as well. So I'm stuck inside, being reminded constantly of my cooking abilities. I'll put them on the shelve for now and stick to eating. After all how is a fat man to stay fat if he doesn't keep his energy up?

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