Saturday, January 08, 2011

Evasive sleep and an Atlas of the world for Monster

I didn't sleep to well last night.  It was my head racing away all over place.  I tried one position after the other, counting sheep didn't work either.  Rather than just have boring sheep jump over a fence, I try and colour mine, pink, yellow, blue or with dots and stripes. Then I might have them do somersaults or cartwheels.  My sleep helping sheep are energetic not lazy thats for sure.  I even laid still on my back for what seemed an eternity trying to think of nothing, which was no good either.   I tried reverse psychology as well.  It's where you go to bed and you try to stay awake rather than try to sleep, it's kind of tricking the brain, no good, it just wouldn't be tricked.  The matter was I knew I had to be up early for the Fish Factory to open up in the morning.  One of the few days of allowed overtime, all the time I wasn't sleeping it would be much harder to get up, I could end up a walking zombie. A literal waking nightmare.  Which is a bit of a pun.  When I did get up this morning it was in a half rush so I didn't bother with shaving.  Don't matter it is Saturday, they will have to take me as I am and human afterall.  Maybe it's because I need to exercise more and tire myself out; where the body is physically tired the mind may follow.  I did say 'may' I bloody well hope it does..  So tomorrow the plan of action is to get up, hit the gym and treat the day as it should be, slow and relaxing.  This afternoon I watched a little TV laid my head back and yep, the eyes began to flutter.  Not good news.  Bring it on gym.

I went to a stationary shop today and there they had a cheap Atlas book of the world.  It was reduced from £25 down to £4, I think I'll go back next week and get another one.  This one I plan to give to Monster Boy.  He has a collection of stamps, all sorts which he sometimes looks at.  It's unfortunate but he is really getting into football now and to my chagrin he could become a football fanatic.  On the other hand he is prone to having intense phases where he is all or nothing into a new subject.  A little like his love of Doctor Who or Spiderman.  But hell, football to me has made a lot of men sad, they hold more passion about a game of footy than they show about their wives or children, what has gone wrong with them?  Anyway, the idea of getting Monster Boy an atlas was he could appreciate the stamps had travelled from all over the world to get into his album and to see the world is a lot bigger than the small part he knows about.  It may even give him a little inspiration to see the world when he breaks free of the shackles of this part of London.  Then he can post me a card and I can admire the stamp on it from the country it came from.  Fingers crossed.

Sparkling is finding her voice again and has promised in a roundabout way to talk to me tomorrow.  It could be her dulcet tones will do the trick and help me get a good night's sleep.  She texted me yesterday to say Scotland had received more snow.  The news had suggested another four inches, however as the temperature is generally rising above zero it should be melting.  I'll be up there soon and am going to wonder about what jumper to take with me.  It's probably a good idea to see if I can pick one up in the sales.  Mind, for some reason most of the clothes shops don't have good thick jumpers about.  I've seen some paper thin ones but in winter who in their right mind would want one of those?  I know.  Someone not in their right mind of course.  Yes it goes to say.  Consumers are stupid or so the shops think they are.  The news seems to indicate over the next few years prices of everything will be going up.  There is going to be a food crisis, cotton crisis, job crisis and local services crisis.  A year of such a nature would be called annus horribilis, it's Latin for horrible year. However, the phrase is normally used when the year has ended.  I'm being a little presumptuous, it must be the sleepless delirious state I'm in at the moment.  Yes it's the worry which is creating this non sleeping episode. Oh well, if it is a year of crisis, I'll lose weight, have baggy clothes and at least know where I am situated in the world.  Care of a good updated map.  I'm sure to get some sleep now. As the song goes 'don't worry, about a thing, coz every little things going to be alright.'  Bet it was an optimist who wrote that.

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