Saturday, January 01, 2011

An incling not a resolution - fat boy

The new year has come in.  I went to see my little friend Monster Boy and was told by his mum I looked fatter.  It's good to start off the new year with a compliment.  Truth being I am fatter and am now finding it harder to find a belt which will go all the way round my waist.  This is because I'm now on the last hole and the little bit of belt left at the end just looks  odd.  He says, drinking a black coffee dabbled with a drop of rum and eating a Amaretti biscuit. The rum was a mistake it makes the coffee taste bitter.  The biscuit was not, it tastes great, no wonder I'm so fat.

  I haven't realised it, until the last year or two.  But the perception of weight in other people is related to your own weight.  I recall when I was skinny, how everyone looked fat to me and I thought I was normal.  Now it seems more and more the other way round.  The look skinny, I look normal or just a little overweight - while another arametti biscuit finds its self travelling down my gullet.  Out of sight out of mind, so I now have stowed the tin of snacks under my desk and hope not to kick them.

Sparkling hasn't been too well the past couple of weeks which led to her losing her voice.  At her Fish Factory the old boys have been calling her the woman who can't say no.   They joke with her and she enjoys their banter and company.  It's so important to do a job you like.  At my Fish Factory I seem to be plagued by fishes who moan and groan at every moment they can.  Then now being a middle fish I get the same moan and groans at me eight or nine fold.  It can become wearing to say the least.

I haven't set myself a new year's resolution.  More of new year's incling than anything else.  Resolutions can get broken.  Inclings are not set in stone and if they were they wouldn't be big fat ones likely to sink to the bottom of a pond.  They'd float on top like little marsh mellows in a cup of hot chocolate.  Blimey, there it goes again, digressing to food.  But what I expect will happen is I will follow the signs.  The signs which crop up as though out of some serendipity, they mean something.  Like it's the subconscious mind talking, saying follow me, follow me, you know it's what you want to do.  The signs are subtle things and you have to be open to them.  A cursory look at a newspaper, an article read, something someone says, a TV programme or overhearing a conversation.  The sign is a message.  It can lead anywhere at all.

I just hope mine don't lead me to the 2011 fat man competition, something no one wants to win.  Fit, healthy, happy and in love.  Happy and in love I already got, and as long as the biscuits stay under the table the other two may come along as well.

Happy 2011.

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