Saturday, July 04, 2009

Look out window

It's my first day of overtime at the Fish Factory, I can't help the drained feeling. It's a matter of getting back into a routine and doing a six day week. Although I should count myself lucky in some countries people do a seven day week and work 18 hours just to provide textiles or training shoes for Western countries and spoilt children who have no conception of finance. Which likely counts for every person who lives in the Western world.

Tomorrow I shall be considering the gloss coat to an outside window. It's had two layers of undercoat and now at last for the top layer. I'm sure it will look great once it's on, I just hope the weather holds off for the time being and remains sunny. I'll even put on my working shorts and a t-shirt. With a little luck my coordination will come together and I'll not spill or drip too much paint. I plan to take the whole exercise very slowly and don't care if it takes me the entire day to complete. Professional builders, plumbers, labourers, electricians and decorators will all gripe at how DIYers do their stuff. However, I got to thinking today and maybe yesterday. If you are a home DIYer and are willing to spend time researching and putting the effort in it's possible to do as good or even a better job than some of the professionals. However, you need to have common sense, a little practice at some skills, and intelligence. With this and buckets of time, because this is really a big factor the DIYer has as opposed to the professional, there should be very few jobs which are not accomplish able. The real issue is getting the knowledge. But on very specialist things I wouldn't even try to have a go. Such as servicing a gas boiler. Whereas a lot of wood work, all decorating, plastering, most plumbing and probably even quite a bit of brick work can be done competently by the DIYer.

However, it does all depend on the individual. I know some people who manage to get up in the morning and get dressed who amaze me they can. Those kinds of people I'd think should probably have a health warning sticker attached. Some just have poor coordination and not much in the way of the common sense stuff. However, what I see as common sense not to do another person couldn't even conceive. Such as driving while on a mobile phone. Which really is in the realms of the true moron.

At this moment, Rock Chick's party will be in full swing. I wish I was there to help out and keep an eye on things. I was hoping it was going to take place on Rock's actual birthday so I'd be there. Rock is a responsible young lady, I can't say anything else for all the other teenagers and persons there because I don't know them. In the meantime Sparkling has to but her sensible head on and keep an eye on it. L & B man is expected to turn up so she'll have some company, he's a good man if there is one and he's it.

Yes, tomorrow me and a window have an appointment with destiny. Destiny by the way wears a glossy white coat.

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