Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A new passport picture

I got a new passport picture yesterday.  Rather than using one of the boxes, where you drop coins in and it then makes you look like a convict I went into a shop where a real person took a photograph, with a real camera.  I noticed the lighting was a lot different.  This time I kept my glasses on even though I was asked to remove them.  The photo is definitely much better.  The only problem is I have an odd looking set of lips.  They are neither a smile nor are they a frown.  I think it was my attempt at not looking like a grumpy old man when the picture was taken, but knowing I definitely would not be allowed to smile.  The cruel thing is only recently I saw a passport where the individual had a big happy smile on their face.  How on earth did they get away without it not being rejected I don't know.  Maybe they only reject grump old men trying to look happy but not quite pulling it off.  Hence the pedantry with rules.  Maybe they were only made for my sort.  Bollocks.

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