Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A sharp intake of shaving foam

I didn't shave yesterday.  It was the Bank Holiday Monday apathy thing.  An extra day off nothing to do or plenty to do and no motivation.  Which consequently led to not shaving.  Why shave when you don't have to, once in a while it is good to miss the sharp end of a razor.  The result being this morning there was twice as much stubble which needed removing.  Not too long, but definitely a reminder why I do shave and maybe I should of shaved.  Anyway.  To help cope with this extra bit of shearing or scraping, I put a little more shaving foam on my face.  Lathered it up into about a centimetre thick, way too much, got a nice bowl of hot water and began to take it away.  For a moment I thought I had a cold.  At this point I took a slightly sharper intake of breath than the usual calm morning intake.  In just a moment shaving foam had reached the back of my nose and began to trickle down my throat.  I could taste it.  Being a cheap foam I think they must of been a bit frugal with the soap element as it really didn't taste too bad at all.  I mean it didn't make me feel like I was going to vomit even though I had just eaten breakfast.  By the way, before I ate brekky I had a glass of water, which apparently is one method of sating appetite.  Unless of course it was the extra water which stopped a soap flavour from becoming overbearing.  The moral of the story is.  Don't breath in deeply when shaving, stay calm and collected.

As for those anonymous phone calls a good cure for that would be a face full of shaving foam, an expensive shaving foam at that.

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